In the outskirts of Antigua, Guatemala, women from Mayan Tribes are heirs of the long line of weavers and embroiderers. They come from very rural areas in Guatemala and exist off of very little income.


Their main product is the Wipil - The large pieces of woven fabric, which they hand weave and create beautiful designs in them, eventually becoming their blouses.  After many years, these women purchase blouses from friends and nearby families like Tomas (pictured on right) sew the material into various handicrafts including Handbags, Backpacks, small items; wallets, bags, totes, hair bands, etc.

Tomas’ Story

Tomas has been sewing handicrafts for Nely and Edwin since he was 17 years old. After about 10+ years, providing for his family, He has been able to train other families in his community and they have 6 other families being supported by this project! He was able to build a new house for his family as well. He is a changed lIfe!

Retired women are now also being paid to find beautiful wipils, as their eye for quality is wonderful!


Nely & Edwin, Project coordinators and business owners - Quetzal Crafts

Nely began making handicrafts at a mere 9 years old. Growing up in a rural corn farming family was quite different than the life she moved into at 9 years old. Her father passed away and her mother moved them to Antigua area where they started making dolls to sell. Through this life, she learned business skills and is now an amazing business woman! Her handicrafts business reaches to about 120 families all over the outskirts of Antigua, Guatemala where they minister through practical love to the people in various villages.

Her husband, Edwin, is the backbone of their business, helping to transport products, meeting with people and loving on them. He also has a business similar to a small “home depot” in their village with their oldest son. He is also a pastor and along with Nely, they host marriage seminars and Bible classes with their church. Their goal is to build a Sunday School building on their church property.

Their sons, Isaac and Kenneth have been taught the family business! Isaac is a creative designer and helps his mom with the orders they get, works in their stall in they mercado and his now working with the artisans on new designs. He is in his mid-twenties and is so talented! Kenneth is finishing up school and in his spare time, he works doing sales in the mercado in his mom’s shop. Their whole family is a blessing!

Oswaldo’s Story


Oswaldo has a stall across from Nely in the mercado. Supporting his 3 children through his business, he is truly talented! He makes leather bracelets and plastic reusable shopping bags and purses. His business has expanded so much that now his father sells in the market as well! He uses nails and a piece of wood to weave the plastic into bags! He has expanded his product line to include leather straps and closures on the bags. His items are shop with a mission favorites!
