ht Kenya NGO
Heavenly Treasures Kenya is a registered NGO (non governmental organization), a non profit organization. This NGO registration was officially granted to Heavenly Treasures in 2007. The focus of HTK is to support the micro enterprise network in Kenya, ministry to the poorest of the poor and equipping individuals to become self sustaining. Heavenly Treasures is a mission society and works together with others to bring the love of God to the people we serve through a practical means. HTK is recognized by the Kenya government and abides by the bylaws and constitution submitted to the NGO Governing Board.
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Heavenly Treasures Kenya's main aim is to support artisans who produce handicrafts through business development, personal development and spiritual nourishment.
Business Coaching
We realized that artisans are talented and for them to enhance their full capacity, they have to match their handy skills with their business skills. Heavenly Treasures provides an avenue where artisans are trained in product development, business management and understanding the local and international market.
Spiritual Nourishment
Heavenly Treasures spiritual development program is designed to meet the needs of the artisans concerning their personal growth and discipleship. This need is met through two streams: Bible study classes designed by artisan Small Groups. Each artisan group is trained given a devotional and trained on how to go about it. They mostly involve other community members on the basis of shared needs, similar interests or common activities.
The second group is the Discipleship Group, whose primary objective is helping members grow spiritually through prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. The purpose of spiritual development is to “grow up” the people of God, through the study of God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, and ministry so that they may be better able to do what Christ told the church to do, “Make disciples of all men” .
Personal Development
Every product represents a change of life! We value the individual much more than the product. Heavenly Treasures provides guidance and counseling sessions to the artisans and their communities. We realize that many artisans go through life struggles by themselves. They do not have any outlet to discuss some of the issues. By providing a counselor who visits each group and also one-on-one meetings, we have realized drastic improvement in their workplace. Some topics trained this year are selfactualization, safety needs, and Esteem needs. This is a lifelong process that artisans get to access their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.
Loving People
Sometimes a simple home visit, a new pair of shoe or a food packet offered in God’s name is worth a thousand summons on love and compassion.
If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one
Mother Teresa
Heavenly Treasures committed to loving our artisans and develop their families and communities. Though a partnership with Heavenly Treasures US we are able to have short summer teams to do ministry in the artisan communities. Teams in the past have helped in the following ways.
Fair Trade Principles
Heavenly Treasures Kenya is a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO ). We prescribe to the 10 Principles that Fair Trade Organizations must be follow in our day to day work and we monitor to ensure these principles are upheld.
Creating OPPORTUNITIES for economically disadvantaged producers/workers.
Fair TRADING Practices
Commitment to NON-DISCRIMINATION, gender equity and freedom of association.
Respect for the ENVIRONMENT
Gideon Kigen Teimuge - Director of Operations
Gideon Kigen Teimuge is the Director of Operations, and has been leading the development of staff and mission in Kenya since May, 2007. Kigen graduated from Azusa Pacific University in California with a BA in Political Science and International Business. He also attained a Masters in Organizational Development from United States International University in Kenya. Throughout the four years Kigen attended APU he interned with Heavenly Treasures in Glendora, CA. He learned about retail, micro enterprise development, business skills, budgeting and program development. Kigen worked with HT in Kenya for three summer terms. His heart is to work with our HTK mission team and the 500 artisans we serve in Kenya. Kigen and his wife, Catherine, were married in December 2017.
Obadiah Teimuge - Personal Development Manager
Obadiah Teimuge is a Personal Development Manager for Heavenly Treasures Kenya. He is responsible for the well being of all our 500+ artisans. He knows each and everyone of our artisans families and visits them on a regular basis to encourage them. Obadiah Graduated with a masters of arts in Counseling Psychology at Dayster University in Nairobi. His passion is working with the most vulnerable in our artisan communities in Kenya. He helps artisans in their personal growth through counseling and therapy sessions.